Android View Binding — did we really need another binding library?Android continues to amaze me, and not in the good way.Jan 2, 2021Jan 2, 2021
Fixing Vuetify’s Form ValidationQuite unfortunately, Vuetify form validation effectively arrives “broken” out of the box. Here, I’ll explain the problem and suggest a…Aug 31, 20201Aug 31, 20201
Close/Hide the Soft Keyboard in AndroidThanks to Android, even the simplest task is shockingly difficultAug 30, 20192Aug 30, 20192
How to Set DialogFragment Width and HeightEven more Android gotchas and snafusAug 29, 20194Aug 29, 20194
There Is No Material Design Spinner for AndroidBye bye Spinner. Bye bye sanity. Hello “Exposed Dropdown Menu”Jun 3, 201917Jun 3, 201917
Modernizing Your Android App — an Exercise in BewildermentA cursory perusal of today’s Android landscape is likely to turn up all manner of exciting new features that promise to improve your life…May 26, 2019May 26, 2019
The Android SDK is the Worst Thing on EarthThe Android SDK is really the worst thing on Earth. It’s absolutely horrifying.May 25, 201920May 25, 201920